Saturday, June 23, 2007

15th May: Next Stop - Lijiang

The journey to Lijiang was on this cramped sleeper bus. shux! no place to stretch leg! But they had these stupid movies! Some weird show in which this princess had to teach this guy how to be a bad guy and this Fang Shi Yu movie. And i guess the part that really stuck with us after watchin that was the "这这这这这这这这这...." part where the actor was watchin this pirated VCD.


Squeezy!!! (Oh we watched movie from that little screen behind ernest.)

Note how much head space we had! Sinyee had a good taste of how small the space of thanks to her attempt at gymnastics in getting onto her bed!

Oh gosh... the whole trip was like damn long!!!! and the bus actually broke down twice! Ugh... Nevertheless, we got to Lijiang in the mornin! It was raining! AARRGH! But we were too hungry to worry bout that. Stuffed ourselves with 小笼包s! and then off we went to find accomodations. Wenshun and i went off to recce and we finally settled for this quaint looking place in one of the alleys!

Into Rainy Lijiang...


yes... we needed to find a place fast!

rainin and rainin non stop...

Checking out our rooms

yes it's good!

Outside the hostel

Before we go explore Lijiang

Having dumped our stuffed in the room, and nuahing for a while, we set off to explore Lijiang 古城. Yes... in the darn rain. It didnt seem like it was gonna stop. But the rain wasnt gonna stop us. Our shopping started like 100m from where we stayed, when we stumbled upon a camping shop that sold Gortex Jackets! though it prob aint real, i bought one and so did sinyee! We bought the same color!

In front of this big water wheel in front the entrance to the 古城

Ever touristy we took a hell lot of pictures! Bought ginger sweets from this shop and we took pictures with like almost everything, and when there wasnt anything to snap, we jus did stupid things. At the end of the whole walk, wanjun went to this wishing thingee near the water wheel to make a wish (at a fair price of 10yuan or was it 5??!) while we feasted on strawberries which we bought!

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